Sonic innovator Seth Schwarz released his new single ‘Radiate Love’ on 2 August 2024, via his own imprint NASAJA. The renowned musician is reshaping the electr...
Techno stalwart Monika Kruse produced a phenomenal remix of ADRIANNA’s hit ‘Wild Electric’, released on 2 August, via ADRIANNA’s imprint Tempo House Music. Mon...
Calcou, versatile instrumentalist, producer, and composer, launches his album Murmuration on 5 July 2024, with the focus track, ‘Birdsong’, through MfRD+C. His...
Miami-based Ibiza sensation Cole Knight, versatile producer Joseph Ashworth, and hit-maker KDA join forces for a dynamic dancefloor anthem titled ‘Money’, now ...
2smile, the French production duo, have returned with a remix collection of their track ‘Tribute To Frikkyo’, originally dedicated to the late DJ Da Frikkyo, a...
We sat down with emerging tech house titan ADRIANNA. The London-based producer released her infectious original mix, ‘Wild Electric’, on May 2nd, 2024, via her...
Bali-based Russian DJ and producer Chertkovski dropped his latest track, 'Miracle', via Reverse Universe on March 15, 2024. En route to becoming one of Russia’...