he duo have upcoming shows at Fabric’s 25th birthday event on October 12th in London (under their DOVE alias) and two CHROMA AV shows, first at Manchester’...
Sonic innovator Seth Schwarz released his new single ‘Radiate Love’ on 2 August 2024, via his own imprint NASAJA. The renowned musician is reshaping the electr...
Techno stalwart Monika Kruse produced a phenomenal remix of ADRIANNA’s hit ‘Wild Electric’, released on 2 August, via ADRIANNA’s imprint Tempo House Music. Mon...
Calcou, versatile instrumentalist, producer, and composer, launches his album Murmuration on 5 July 2024, with the focus track, ‘Birdsong’, through MfRD+C. His...
Lithuanian music producer, composer, and DJ, Marijus Adomaitis aka Ten Walls unveils his latest offering, ‘In My Eyes’ featuring singer GØYA via Spectrum Recor...
Five of Europe’s leading nightlife specialists team up to present NightSchool: An EU wide training programme designed to support night culture producers early ...
Image credit: Nick Passman
Featuring on FourFour today is Israeli producer and label head Hevi Levi with his latest offering, a collaboration with fellow co...
Image via publicist
On the dark side of the club stand two meticulous producers who together comprise ÅNDfØLK, an enigmatic pair who offer their special bre...